Monday, September 21, 2009

Why use QuickBooks?

I'm not out there trying to sell you on QuickBooks, but I am an advocate mainly because it is so simple. I have been able to get a small business with no current accounting system up and running, writing checks, and collecting cost data in less than a day. (Now in fairness, there was a bunch of clean up to do later, but for some businesses just being able to keep the cashbook current is a major advance.)

Now remember, no accounting system has everything you want, and QuickBooks is no exception, but I am sure most businesses doing less than $1,000,000 a year will be quite happy with what it does for you.

One word of warning, if you already do computerised accounting, think twice before changing systems. It is easy to say you will get better results with another system, but the disruption can be traumatic.

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